

★過去問の確認 ⇒ 過去の試験問題を解くことで、出題傾向を把握する。

★語彙力の強化 ⇒ 重要な単語やフレーズを復習。特に頻出のものを重点的に

★リスニングの練習 ⇒ 英語の音声を聞く時間を増やし、リスニング力を向上させる。

★模擬試験の実施 ⇒ 実際の試験時間に合わせて模擬試験を行い、時間配分を練習する。

★文法の復習 ⇒ 文法問題を中心に復習し、特に苦手な部分を重点的に。

★スピーキング練習 ⇒ 自分の意見を英語で述べる練習を行い、流暢さを向上させる。

★読解力の強化 ⇒ 英文を多く読み、内容理解や要約の練習をする。

★試験当日の準備 ⇒ 受験票や必要なものを前日までに用意し、リラックスできる環境を整える。

★健康管理 ⇒ 十分な睡眠と栄養を摂り、体調を整えることも重要です。


Exam Preparation and Health Management

As the English proficiency test approaches in ten days, it is crucial to focus on effective preparation strategies. Here are some key points to consider、

☆Review Past Exam Questions ⇒ Solving previous exam questions will help you understand the trends in the types of questions asked.

☆Enhance Vocabulary ⇒ Review important words and phrases, especially those that frequently appear in exams.

☆Practice Listening Skills ⇒ Increase the amount of time spent listening to English audio to improve your listening comprehension.

☆Conduct Mock Exams ⇒ Simulate the actual exam conditions by taking practice tests, which will help you manage your time effectively during the real exam.

☆Revise Grammar ⇒ Focus on grammar questions and pay special attention to areas where you feel less confident.

☆Practice Speaking ⇒ Engage in exercises where you express your opinions in English to enhance your fluency.

☆Strengthen Reading Comprehension ⇒ Read a variety of English texts to improve your understanding and practice summarizing the content.

☆Prepare for Exam Day ⇒ Make sure to have your admission ticket and other necessary items ready the day before, and create a relaxing environment for yourself.

☆Prioritize Health Management ⇒ Ensure you get enough sleep and nutrition to maintain your health, especially with the flu season in full swing.
Staying in good health is vital for performing well on the exam.


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